Create table using import from CSV

Create table using import from CSV

For create table you need to have administrative privilegies.


CSV (Comma Separated Values) -  widely used plain text format. You can export Excel sheet to CSV and create table just in few seconds using import from CSV.

Create table using import from CSV

Choose Menu > Tables > Create Table > Create from CSV

  • Choose table name. Read Creating tables for more information.
  • Choose CSV file from local disk of you computer.
  • Click create.

If CSV file correct format in few seconds Saltcorn will create table from CSV. Note that if you try lo load big CSV file the export can take time. Be patient.

Import data from CSV

Also for existing table you can import data from CSV file.

  • Choose Menu > Tables > Table data > Upload CSV for start

There are few tips about CSV import:

  • First line of file is the list of field names. Underscore _ is unsupported in field name
  • List of values in CVS for Bool field: true false yes no on off y n t f.
  • Date format is moment.ISO_8601.