Adding pages

Pages are used:

  • To show information that is mostly static, that is does not display information from your Tables
  • To decorate Views with additional static content or to display more than one View on a single page.

On the Main menu, go to Pages and Add page. You will then go through a series of dialogues to configure the page. The first of questions asked you about the basic parameters of the page.

  • Name: a short name that will be in the URL. For example, pricing will be available at You will be able to set it to, see ZZZ

  • Title: the title that will appear in your browser tab. This title will also be seen by search engines indexing your site. This will often be the same as the Name

  • Description: a longer description that will only be available to search engines indexing your site.  Describe the page contents well for good search engine ranking.

  • Minimum role: Select the minimum user role required to access the page. Choose whether the page is only for Admin, Staff, User or Public.

The next section is the drag-and-drop builder. It works exactly like the Edit and Show builder but has slightly different elements in the toolbar.

  • View: use this element to display a view on the page. You choose the view on the settings. You also need to set whether the state is Shared or Fixed. A shared view state on a page means that the view will get its state from the pages query string and this will be shared with all other views on the page. You can use this to great effect to build drill down dashboards. A fixed view state on the other hand will be independent of the pages you state and the view states of all the other views on the page. It will be specified once you are done with the page layout build.

  • Search bar: use this to include a search bar. When activated on the page, this will direct to the global fulltext search.

  • Code: use this to include arbitrary HTML code on the page.

When you are done with building the page layout, click next. If you marked any views on the page as having a fixed state, you will then be prompted for what that state should be.